Danielle Dick, Ph.D. is the Greg Brown Endowed Chair of Neuroscience and a Professor of Psychiatry at Rutgers University, where she directs the Rutgers Addiction Research Center. She is an internationally recognized and award-winning expert on genetic and environmental influences on addiction, child development, and human behavior. She has led and contributed to more than 20 grants from the National Institutes of Health, with grant funding totaling 55 million dollars. She has 450 peer-reviewed publications and has won numerous national and international awards for her work. She has been named one of the most highly cited researchers in the world across all fields of science. Her first book "The Child Code: Understanding Your Child’s Unique Nature for Happier, More Effective Parenting" was published by Penguin Random House in September 2021.
Video: https://www.danielledick.com/
Stipend: $1500 plus travel and expenses (willing to negotiate a reduced speaking fee for schools and nonprofits, as needed)
Where to Find Dr. Dick:
Website: DanielleDick.com
Book: TheChildCode.com
Social Media: @DrDanielleDick on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn